Thursday, May 29, 2008

Periodontal Procedures Performed In Uk

Süddeutsche heute mit Sonderseiten zur Energieversorgung

worth today once again looking to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. On four special pages in the business section (unfortunately not available online) journalists discuss the issue of energy supply, renewable energies are at the center. Jochen Bettzieche provides an overview über die geplanten Änderungen in der EEG-Novelle und zeigt Licht und Schatten der geänderten Fördersätze und -richtlinien. Thomas Gaul stellt Potenziale und Grenzen der Treibstoffproduktion durch BtL-Verfahren vor und umgeht dabei auch das Thema Flächenkonkurrenz nicht. Lesenswert auch ein Porträt der Stadt Vancouver, die für sich selber das Attribut "sauberste, grünste, gesündeste Stadt der Welt" in Anspruch nimmt. Zwar stammen 90 Prozent des verbrauchten Stroms aus Wasserkraft - allerdings sind dies Altanlagen aus den 60ger und 70ger Jahren. Vorbildhaft ist auf jeden Fall die Siedlungspolitik: Vancouver ist, ganz unamerikanisch, eine Stadt der kurzen Wege, entsprechend gering ist das Verkehrsaufkommen.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Welcome Address For Valentine Day Sample

Blower-Door-Test mit Bravour bestanden

Yesterday was in our house the blower door test is performed and checked the house so leaks. Despite
open staircase to the basement we have achieved a smooth value of 1.0! The requirement was for a maximum of 1.5. With the result we are more than satisfied and also the subsequent Lekagetest has nothing negative result.

As we now know in retrospect, was stalled after a week Pentecost not only on our site, but still two more in the development area!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cuff Notes Robb White Deathwatch

Die Übergabe wirft die ersten Schatten voraus

As we meet the one planned on Thursday, handing a positive view, of course, even the removal preparations in full swing and we can uns in der Wohnung kaum noch bewegen:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Unused Insulin Syringes

Der Carport wächst

Seid gestern wächst auch unser Carport (wie immer bei DanWood rasend schnell)

Cuspid Amp 1600 Watt Price

Jetzt hat es uns doch erwischt….

Wir hatten ja immer die Hoffnung, dass wir von den Diebstählen im Baugebiet verschont bleiben würden (was bis jetzt ja auch der Fall war), aber dann wurde in der vergangenen Woche doch eingebrochen. Geklaut wurde das komplette Werkzeug, dass sich noch auf der Baustelle befand. Auf der einen Seite sehr ärgerlich für unseren Bautrupp, auf der anderen Seite bin ich ganz froh, dass nichts kaputt gemacht worden ist.

Der Blower-Door-Test musste auf Donnerstag verschoben werden. Following is scheduled for the house delivery and we are very excited. Larger defects, we expect it not and we hope that our feelings are not deceptive.
Our experts come on Wednesday to make a pre-approval with Florian. Then we are ready for the actual decrease before.

Today has started to build the carport and inside there are really only a few small things that are missing.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Knee Length Boho Skirts

Bilder ohne Gerüst und vom Innenausbau

Today, there are finally current images.

view without frame:

Our kitchen

the bathroom:

view into and out of the bedroom:

the children:

When we visited again today were on the site, I was really surprised very pleasant, homely as it looks by now. Above is already completely papered & painted and it is just the laminate laid. Below them are still trying to paper, but it's missing is the living room, it can also be laid down the laminate.

A very big thank you to our hardworking Construction team, to which we can get anything!

Language Lab Free Software

Ärgernisse Fallrohre und Carport Fundamente

After the tank including the connections were set and backfilled was, is, when installing the downpipes have noticed that they do not fit into the designated ports. Sometimes they are several inches apart. The connections for the tank to sit close to the Kellerwand.Wie exactly could happen, nobody knows. The error must be corrected in any case in this regard and we are still with the company in connection Schantz.

Another annoyance was the foundation of the carport. It all started with the question by our construction manager in the last week, when because the foundations of the carport would be completed. We had not previously aware that this is a power builder.
I remember though, that we spoke in December at the sampling of the foundations (mainly about whether this cost is included in the financial statements or not), but it has not said a word about the fact that this is a clients performance. And also on the to-do list by Dan-Wood, all of which is preparing the plan is nowhere.
I also found out yet that the carport would be too far from home wegstehen and thus some of them already on the neighboring property would be. Here is one to make Dan-Wood to good that it even No problem was that production plans accordingly, and the foundations a little closer to share the house. We do not mind further, because we have always assumed that the car port connects directly to the wall. The paperwork was then done in the morning and fixed the problem.

After several phone calls (with largely disinterested firms "the job is too small"), has then found someone to take over the job and it was posted on Thursday started to work. So had no lag, good luck!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thinking Day Brownie Activities

IFAT 2008: Jobmotor Cleantech

Impressive figures for German cleantech job market has called the federal Ministry of Environment for environmental technology trade fair IFAT, which ends today in Munich, domestic companies with "green technology" on a world market share of 20 percent. By 2020, the global market of 2.2 billion euros to double, resulting in the industry opens up enormous potential. In all, over the next twelve years, 250,000 new jobs created in Germany in the industry. Currently here are already 1.5 million people.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Die Of Glioblastoma Patient

Richtfest bei Birgit & Thomas an der Hyrchwiese 1

At 03:05:08 we were invited to our future neighbors Birgit & Thomas to the topping. The two build a SB-house, that is, they do everything themselves starting with the basement and now they have reached the rafters.
We were very excited about the beautiful and spacious house on the great view we will be eternally jealous :-)

Cubefield Unblocked L

Küche und Blower-Door-Test

On Saturday we finally bought our huge kitchen :-)
Delivered and set up a good piece is at 02.06. 08. If we move before, then we have to help somehow different. A small refrigerator, a microwave and a camping stove would be to Verfügung stehen..... hoffen wir einfach mal, dass es nicht soweit kommt.

Über unseren Sachverständigen vom BSB haben wir Herrn Schmid für einen Blower-Door-Test vermittelt bekommen. Der Termin für den Test ist der 19.05.08 und für den Test haben wir auch einen entsprechenden Energieeinsparnachweis von Dan-Wood erhalten.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Nike Greco Supreme In Black

IFAT 2008: Neue Intitiative für den Wachstumsmarkt Wasser

impressive number of exhibitors reports the Interantional environmental trade fair IFAT, which this morning München eröffnet wurde: Mehr als 2.500 Unternehmen vor allem aus den Bereichen Ver- und Entsorgung sind hier präsent, eine Steigerung um 16 Prozent gegenüber der letzten Veranstaltung vor drei Jahren. Damit ist die IFAT weltgrößte Cleantech-Messe.

Umweltminister Gabriel nutzte die Eröffnung, um eine neue Initiative vorzustellen, mit der die deutsche Position auf dem Weltmarkt der Wasserwirtschaft gestärkt werden soll: In der "German Water Partnership" haben sich jetzt Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Fachverbände und Ministerien zu einer zentralen Kontaktstelle für Anfragen aus dem Ausland zusammengschlossen. Das Ziel: Paketlösungen zu bieten, die u.a. Beratungsleistungen includes the legal and institutional framework, the development of financial concepts, project planning and management, the delivery of technical components and the creation of operator and management concepts.

A sensible approach to the complex water market. The water sector is a real market of the future: According to Gabriel is the global sales of water supply and sanitation worldwide at present 250 billion euros - it is expected to double over the next decade to around 500 billion €. Germany currently has a market share of 16.5 percent.