Friday, October 29, 2010

Emergency Cosmetic Bag

Badewanne und Dusche sind da!

Today it finally happened: the bathtub and the shower are being used. Looks great. Now the tub over the weekend has to "dry" - that is the cement that they secured and then on Monday, the tiles come from the tub with the new LEDs. The LEDs can unfortunately not be used as intended, since we have only one tile Cross - are so Now 12 lights in the horizontal joint along the entire width distributed. The wall tiles in the guest bathroom, we have provided a splash guard are already on the wall. On Monday all the tile work are completed. Booyah!
morning we head off early the same and are expanding our "new / old" kitchen for the utility room with a lady in the new town. It is an older white country kitchen, which makes a little revision and send new porcelain knobs determined well. The trailer has been ordered for 8.30 clock. I hope we can build on next weekend ... let's see! Tomorrow read more. Today, however, means es erstmal: ISCHA FREIMAAK!!!

Im Wohnzimmer fehlen nur noch die Sockelleisten!

Die Badewanne wird eingesetzt!

Das Gäste-WC schreitet voran!

Die Dusche ist auch schon fast fertig!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Knight Electra Golf Clubs

Nun wird es "Habitable" o) Take care of your

The first tiles are here! This morning 7.30 clock on the building site: a "Horde" nimble craftsmen is ready to pour the concrete slab and apply the tiles. It went super fix - living room, the entire floor and the garage were then already finished this afternoon. The living room could then start the same tile - and here is already tiled and filled - looks great! Come tomorrow, the remaining floor areas and on Thursday the wall tiles, bath surround and shower. In the bathtub tile then our small LED lights to be introduced. Let's see much on it. Now a few pictures to:

The bathroom has a floor above, now
The tiles in the living room
The garage occupies almost finished

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can You Pop Canker Sores

actually still around your building?

So I was yesterday morning from my future neighbor greeted with a laugh. Of course we do! We were there every day, but in recent days was not sooo much to see and on the weekend we were at the Hockenheim Ring. Incidentally, it was totally cool - a huge effort, the team operated as Audi!
When I came to the site yesterday morning, there were masses of polystyrene packages, which are provided as insulation for the underfloor heating. The craftsmen were well at the moment just go - there was no one on the ground - but today everything is laid and the heating company just lays out the heating coils. Our side door in the garage is now built in too and it's missing is the concrete slab and the roller door, we can already assume what. On Monday it is now with the floor and the tiles continue FREU *** ***! Have been with the Lord calls Albers and we have arranged for Monday morning 7.30 clock on the site. Here are a few pictures of our "snake", o):

The heating coils in the kitchen

Here in the bathroom above

The side door in the garage is now too!

Der Handtuch-Heizkörper wartet schon auf den Anbau

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chameleon Enclosure Safe Woods

Now the cleaning crew out again ...

und "Bodo mit dem Bagger" da. Heute morgen war ich schon um 7.15 Uhr auf der Baustelle. Gas-/Wasser-/Strom und Telefonleitungen werden jetzt verlegt. Dazu rückte dann das Team für die Bauinstallation sowie die Gemeindewerke Lilienthal an und  buddelten ein riesen Loch zum Hauswirtschaftsraum.
Die Putzkolonne hat jetzt den ganzen Bau incl. Garage fertig geputzt und Andreas und ich werden heute Nachmittag den zweiten Anstrich vornehmen. Der erste Anstrich in the utility room is dirty again ... well, yes today is deleted again. Tomorrow the electrician and set the sockets. Here are some pictures:

The garage now cleaned it!

look into the living room

The Corner shelf for the bath tub!

Friday it is then with the rough assembly of the heater and the preparations for the Insulation! Thanks to Andreas talent on the golf course we have a great weekend ahead! Not only that he even celebrates his birthday - he also won a prize at the German Ryder Cup. We drive on Friday afternoon to Hockenheim for the finale of the DTM Championship Tour 2010 and have VIP Gold Card from Audi!
The cards have a value of € 850, - per person! And daserwartet us

Monday, October 11, 2010

Motivation Letter Culinary Arts

"Born to life" ...

... but not for painting! This realization I had yesterday - more on that!

Our weekend began with the wöchentlichen Shopping-Tour. Seit wir "Bauherren" sind, heißen unsere "Boutiquen" allerdings eher Max Bahr, Hornbach oder Obi. So dann auch am Samstag...und wieder sind über € 500,- in die Kassen der Baumärkte geflossen. Lampen, Briefkasten, Zeitungsrolle, Malerflies und Tapeziertisch waren unter anderem in unserem Wagen. Sonntag ging es dann los mit den ersten Malerarbeiten. Andreas hat oben im OG die Rigipswände geschliffen und von Betonresten (hat ja doch etwas gespritzt bei den Putzern ;o)) befreit und ich hatte das Erlebnis mit dem ersten Anstrich im HWR. Hierfür hatten wir Alpina weiß mit Wasser verdünnt und dann als Grundierung für den ersten Anstrich genommen. Ich weiß nicht wer mehr Farbe abbekommen hat - die Wand oder ich! Konnte erst mal am Nachmittag tauchen gehen ;o). Dann kamen noch die Wände hinter den Heizkörpern dran - diese streichen wir jetzt am Mittwoch mit der richtigen Farbe über. Uns ist jedoch schnell klar geworden, dass wir uns zumindest für das EG einen Maler nehmen werden. Anfragen laufen schon! Heute wird die Putzkolonne wohl fertig, denn es stehen nur noch die Diele, das Gäste-WC und die Garage zum Putzen bereit. Morgen kommen dann auch neue Fotos - heute haben wir noch einiges auf dem Zettel, so dass wir nicht zum Bau kommen.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hydrogen Peroxide Diverticulitis

The cleaning crew is there: o)!

Seit gestern geht es "feucht" zu in unserem Bau...die Putzkolonne ist eingezogen. Gestern wurden die Vorarbeiten geleistet - alles wurde schön covered and bonded - so last night we also did not come into the house. This morning it started, "wet gay" was plastered on the walls. Looks okay:

Preparations ...

... all boarded up - the way all the windows are here!

This looks already out on the wall: o)
... and here is our "mud bath" ... it is!

Here the-house "work wardrobe" - great!

the weekend - probably on Sunday - we can already highlight the utility room and the walls,
where the radiators are then installed. Man, the first brush stroke at home - I'm looking forward!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Neutrogena Peel Where To Buy

addendum to the building construction contract with a difference

... this can sometimes be fun: o). See here:

real class!

Otherwise the construction is now finished as far as that today can lead the team to the interior plaster of the ceiling and the EC-plaster walls. Tomorrow we will then take the masonry column, which then prepared the construction "to clean Done. was

Saturday for the first Andreas sweat on the property. Before the floor is laid in the garage, he had to lay the hoses for the pump. This meant in the Garage 80 cm tief buddeln und außerhalb auch - dann die beiden PE-Schläuche durchführen, die dann an die Pumpe geschlossen werden. Güner war leider krank, so daß wir einen neuen Termin für Dienstag abgemacht haben.