Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Menopause And Hemorrhoids

Gibt es eigentlich noch die Sendung "Wie Bitte?" ?

I would report as a contribution to ... now there 'a bead taken "Society is indeed only called MAGENTA. Today is 01/26/2011 and we have - even though the assignment our phone line was on 30/08/2010 - still no Telephone connection .... grrrrrrrr. Currently we manage with the phone, which is always empty because there are 24 h is connected to the Internet and a mobile Internet Stick that we could get yourself. I could bre ****. Now everything has worked out so great, but that's really annoying! The last few days and weeks we have of course continued to our home crafted and full of vim and vigor. The garden plan is growing, o) - but this is still a lot of money to swallow, because it is a remarkable property with trees and shrubs to equip We're still hoping for nice people. that too many shrubs and trees have in the garden and want to get rid of this ... we are there ... haha. Here come some pictures of another "expansion" of our little house:

... wait for spring!

Now hang the curtains and make it much cozier

waiting for Christmas leftover to spare o)

is here already boiled vigorously

..und die Verpflegung ist auch gesichert!

Nun haben auch die ganzen Cremes und Fläschen ihren
Platz gefunden!

...und die Handtücher auch !

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Walk In Shower Doorless

Küche und Essbereich

Hallo Ihr Lieben, habe mal eben Bilder runtergeladen. Sind noch nicht viele, aber ich verspreche es folgen mehr!
Das war sie gerade eingebaut

The dining area! It is so slow: o)

Monday, January 3, 2011

How To Reduce Swelling In Knuckles After Birth

Hallo Ihr Lieben!!!! Wir leben noch und sind super glücklich!

Today I am again in the "old" home and'd like to just write a few lines! We have provided us started on 12.11.2010 with the move and everything went suuuuper! Many thanks to the tireless workers and moving supplies. Although the weather has not played, but we had all the big parts quickly in the new house. In the first week we had to make do without a kitchen yet, but on Thursday, 16.12.2010 was our dream kitchen as promised. It is just great mega! Thank you once again to the team of kitchen Kassens - it looks exactly as we would wish have! The week before Christmas we have then given a couple of things - but actually even enjoyed the time and we settled. Christmas and New Year were a blast (still celebrated New Year's Eve to 5:00 clock .. hehe) and now it goes into the home stretch with the move. The entire office is still here in Borgfeld, as we unfortunately have not got a Telephone connection. I must still work to be able to commute - but we now have hope, as was yesterday morning, has finally joined the connection to the street. Now we have to wait until the Telekom is our provider, the GO and it can connect us.
pictures are there now also - but in recent times were just other things are important ... I do better: o).
you all a super Happy New Year, all remain healthy - that's the important thing - and the go all your wishes come true!
soon: o)