Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Salon Client Information Sheet Template

Solar Thermal: The promotion extended - and expanded

Against the backdrop of skyrocketing oil and gas prices, the Federal Environment Ministry now decided to extend the promotion of solar heating systems - and even further. When replacing old oil or gas heating with modern solar heating wave to the high consumer subsidies: In addition to the usual solar subsidy of 105 euros per square meter of solar collector, depending on the type of solar system state Grants of 375 to 750 Euros granted. Due to high demand, this "boiler replacement bonus" now extended to 31.12.2009. Originally, the reward should expire by the end of the month.

Detailed information on the new subsidy rates and conditions - as well as many other questions about solar heating - it is on a separate website Federal Solar Industry Association.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hip Replacement Tieing Shoe

opening of the Intersolar reported Federal Solar Industry Association impressive industry figures

Carsten Koernig, managing director of the Federal Solar Industry Association, bursting with confidence, as he at the press conference at Intersolar this morning was a review and outlook on the industry events. No wonder running, the Transactions for the German solar companies gorgeous: Grainy expects the current year with sales growth of up to 40 percent. By 2010, industry sales grow from seven to 13 billion euros and the number of jobs from 58,000 to 80,000, the export proceeds are to climb from three to six billion euros. This year, the industry is investing two billion euros in Germany, by 2010 there will be seven billion euros.

this optimism is nourished by the recently passed amendment to the Renewable Energy Act, which sets according grained scale "very ambitious, but feasible" are. Granular pointed out that the amendment - as previously, the EEG itself - be it into a global measure of support for solar power is.

writes The Intersolar itself an impressive track record: In this year of hosting the fair for the first time in Munich, noted the organizer of exhibitors grew by almost 65 percent, almost half come from abroad (of which only a quarter of China). The visitor number is expected to increase by a quarter. Almost some exhibitors seem overwhelmed by the success of the show - while in many trade shows are the press kits to the end times as lead in the subjects of the press center, so were now on the first day afternoon by 15 clock already emptied many press boxes completely ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Suggest Names For College Fests

Online im neuen Heim

Die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen mal in der Kurzfassung:

- Hausübergabe am 22.05.08
- Beginn Umzug am 24.05.08
- Lieferung und Montage der Küche 28./29.05.08
- Übergabe der alten Wohnung zum 01.06.08
- in Betriebnahme des Telefonanschlusses im neuen Haus am 09.06.08

And here we are again :-)
Since everything has worked out so smoothly, I can only say that I am very glad not to have my connection from Arcor exchanged for Unity Media. As announced at 9:06:08, a technician came by the telephone company to take the port in operation and to connect by modem, router and phone and internet stuff works fine!

of all events that have otherwise played ever so between blower door test and removal, will be reported in the next few days, then again in more detail.
Now we are first happy that everything went reasonably well and we live in our own house.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

English Subtitles Streaming

Emissions trading: New study on the status quo in German Unternehmen

Mit Einführung des Emissionshandels im Jahr 2005 ist der CO2-Ausstoß in einigen Branchen zu einer echten Stellschraube für den Unternehmenserfolg geworden: Die EU-Regelung legt fest, dass für jede Tonne CO2, die über ein zugeteiltes Kontingent hinaus ausgestoßen wird, Emissionsrechte erworben werden müssen. Umgekehrt können Unternehmen Kontingente, die nicht in Anspruch genommen wurden, auf dem Markt verkaufen. Die Kosten pro Tonne CO2 bewegen sich momentan um 25 Euro.

Nun sollte man meinen, dass angesichts dessen der Emissionshandel bei Investitionsentscheidungen und im Risikomanagement eine feste Größe geworden ist, die zu berücksichtigen betriebswirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit is. But far from it, like a new study by PriceWaterhouse Coopers shows. The consulting firm has asked some 50 German companies of the importance of emissions trading in strategic decisions. Although the survey results show that a majority of companies surveyed the challenges and opportunities in the CO2-emissions trading is detected. But the implementation is the weak point: Nearly one in three companies will only check once a quarter or even less, how to develop one's own need for CO2 emission rights will be. This means that the company did not adequately respond to price fluctuations for pollution rights. About 30 percent of companies consider the allowances for investment decisions not. But PwC is optimistic that, although many companies have used reductions, expected to continue great potential for internal CO2 reductions are.

A view of the study is worthwhile not only because of these statements sound from industry: The authors provide an excellent overview of history, environment, potential and shortcomings of the emissions trading system.