Thursday, July 24, 2008

Roller Skating Party Favours

Giant offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean

The IT-/E-Business-/Web-2.0-Weblog IT frontal me yesterday on Green Business Blogging interviewed - the conversation turned to other things, the importance of blogs and other Web 2.0 phenomena in the renewable energy sector to the ongoing debate on the relevance of blogs and for the championship chances of VfL Bochum . Here it comes to the interview.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vice City Unhandled C0000005

renewables in municipalities: New Internet Portal

The world's first commercial underwater tidal turbine has supplied the first electricity network, a press release of the operator Marine Current Technologies . The system is deployed in a SeaGen bay off the north coast of Ireland and works like a windmill underwater: When the tide turns the water running up the rotors in one direction, at low tide, the effluent Wasser in die andere. Auf diese Weise soll die Anlage künftig eine Leistung von 1,2 Megawatt erreichen und umweltfreundlichen Strom für rund 1000 Haushalte liefern. Die zurzeit noch gedrosselte Anlage habe nun erstmals für kurze Zeit 150 Kilowatt elektrische Leistung ins Stromnetz eingespeist, teilte Marine Current Technologies jetzt in Bristol mit.

Dieselbe Firma hatte 2003 eine nach demselben Prinzip arbeitende Pilotanlage namens SeaFlow vor der südenglischen Küste installiert. Die nicht kommerzielle Demonstrationsanlage hat eine Leistung von 300 Kilowatt. Die größere SeaGen leiste mehr als viermal so viel wie jedes andere Gezeitenströmungssystem, betonte der Hersteller.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Boombox Antenna Amplifier

In-house? Differentiated view not doing

The waves were high, as Spiegel Online - like many other business media and daily newspapers - early July alleged details of a not so far published World Bank study on the world food shortage published: The production of fuel from plant foods worldwide by up have increases the cost to 75 percent, Hamburger wrote with reference to the British "Guardian" who wanted to learn the details from the World Bank study.

known fact, the World Bank in this study, several reasons for the rise in agricultural prices, such as higher energy and fertilizer costs and a weaker U.S. dollar. In addition, the World Bank (as well the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO) in the high agricultural prices also opportunities for farmers in developing countries. 75 percent of the poor lived in the country, said the World Bank. Most of them are employed in agriculture. The high prices for rice, soybeans and corn were to them an unprecedented chance to escape poverty.

The issue of agricultural prices is too complex for simple solutions: how nice it would be if the world hunger problem could be solved simply by biofuels, we do not ... Closer to reality, though not as sexy as the silver bullet "biofuel out of the tank, since the reference
by Green politician Jürgen Trittin: Local markets must be strengthened, the investment in rural development, and smallholder agriculture and the self-sufficiency are increased in the South to fight hunger sustainably.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Digital Playground At Discount

New study on "green investment": apple and pear compote

The U.S. consultancy Frost & Sullivan predicts the European market for green investment by 2014, an average annual growth of 18 percent to € 572.9 billion then. Under "green investment" means the company financial products such as carbon credits, green hedge funds and socially responsible investment funds. A very broad term, investment would like to throw in CO2 pollution rights in a pot with the nest egg that Mr or Mrs Smith create ecologically meaningful. Wonders how meaningful there's such a study, along comes the apples and pears happy.