Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Boombox Antenna Amplifier

In-house? Differentiated view not doing

The waves were high, as Spiegel Online - like many other business media and daily newspapers - early July alleged details of a not so far published World Bank study on the world food shortage published: The production of fuel from plant foods worldwide by up have increases the cost to 75 percent, Hamburger wrote with reference to the British "Guardian" who wanted to learn the details from the World Bank study.

known fact, the World Bank in this study, several reasons for the rise in agricultural prices, such as higher energy and fertilizer costs and a weaker U.S. dollar. In addition, the World Bank (as well the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO) in the high agricultural prices also opportunities for farmers in developing countries. 75 percent of the poor lived in the country, said the World Bank. Most of them are employed in agriculture. The high prices for rice, soybeans and corn were to them an unprecedented chance to escape poverty.

The issue of agricultural prices is too complex for simple solutions: how nice it would be if the world hunger problem could be solved simply by biofuels, we do not ... Closer to reality, though not as sexy as the silver bullet "biofuel out of the tank, since the reference
by Green politician Jürgen Trittin: Local markets must be strengthened, the investment in rural development, and smallholder agriculture and the self-sufficiency are increased in the South to fight hunger sustainably.


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