Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mucus Changes Befor Your Period

Räumen, Packen und ne Menge Organisation...

... is now taking off. We are the last days here, only on packing and preparing for the move. All cabinets are here broken down into individual pieces and waiting for the evacuation. The weather makes us create yet, but let's hope that tomorrow looks better. Now the floors in the new house is almost finished and the bathroom mirror (in the top floor only a couple of carpet tiles are missing) is also up. Today, again, all floors cleaned with basic concrete remover and then off you go. Images gibt es dann vom Umzug!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Son Is Anemic What Should He Eat

Es ist geschafft!!!! Heute war Bauabnahme ;o))))))

Wir sind super glücklich! Der Tag begann heute mit dem Blower Door-Test! Die beiden Prüfspezialisten waren schon fleissig am Messen als wir ankamen und hatten ein super Ergebnis für uns. 2 Stellen - Haustür und Nebeneingangstür mußten nachgestellt werden- was sofort durch unsere Fensterbauer der Fa. Hermes geschah, da sie gerade in der Nachbarschaft waren - haben wir super Werte. Dieser liegt  fast im Bereich eines Passiv-Hauses! Also alles gut abgedichtet. Dann um 12.00 Uhr kam die Bauabnahme/-Übergabe. Wir hatten uns einige Punkte aufgeschrieben, die wir dann durchgegangen sind. Es waren aber alles Kleinigkeiten, die auch sofort ins Protokoll kamen und zu 3/4 auch heute schon erledigt wurden. Der Rest wird bis Ende der Woche erledigt. Nun haben wir kein Bauschloss mehr sondern unsere eigenen Schlüssel. Unser Fazit für die Bauphase: jeder Zeit würden wir wieder Bauen - aber nur mit T & M!!! Das hört sich jetzt wahrscheinlich gesponsert an - ist es aber nicht! Wir sind wirklich super zufrieden mit allen Gewerken, die absolut zuverlässig ausgeführt wurden. An dieser Stelle auch noch mal eine groooßes Lob an Herrn Höltermann, der seine Schlüsselposition als Bauleiter immer zu 100 bzw. eigentlich zu 150 % erfüllt hat. Egal welche Fragen wir hatten, was geklärt werden mußte - ein Anruf und wir bekamen Auskunft und wenn nicht immediately but a few minutes later determined by recall. If I read on the Web, the various building diaries I can only say "Oh my God - I do not want to have experienced"
can now start on the weekend of the move.! But that day is here, in the old house to build a lot and pick them up. We will continue to report. Here are some pictures of the last "news" in the house:

Our new wardrobe

The mirror in the guest bathroom

carpet in the dressing room and bedroom (only the bars are missing)

Tretford The tiles in the office

and ... the tiled wall of shame is now here!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Creative Things To Do With Monster Energy Cans

Ich komme überhaupt nicht mehr zum Schreiben :o((((!

From morning to night I'm here at the packing and spaces - because on 06/12/2010 (Nikolausi o))
is handing over and we have decided on the move to 11./12.12.2010 . start On these two days, all major furniture be brought into the new house. This does clear up, throw away organize (finally) and. The last week has brought many new features that I as soon I have time, then finally take pictures and recruiting. Now, done up to 2 wall outlets all electrical work ... our solar system depends on the satellite dish on the roof. The doors are there and look great. Now just fill in the remaining tile work, so the Ansockeln to the doors and the wall of shame in the upper bathroom is fully tiled yet - this is really even a point that we had overlooked. The kitchen in the utility room is ready and does great. Now it was in the last few days cleaning brush, and brush again. This bloody haze on the tiles! I 'm his first with vinegar and water brought to my body, which was crowned with only limited success. Today I will go and get at the hardware store a special cleaner. The garage is also filled all right - we have set ourselves the whole small-Sch ... to have a first to put in the garage. The office will be still here, there is still not clear when our phone connection is. This is scheduled for 3/1/2011 - however this does indeed nothing. So thumbs-Press that the Telekom reaches agreement with Vodafone, and everything goes according to plan. As long as remains are the office here so we can use Internet-standard work on. The apartment is also only for the canceled 15.01.2011 - hopefully by then so does the rest. The Christmas the way, is already in full swing ... haha \u200b\u200b... which meant that the door manufacturer has searched our house. He is several times at the house passed, he thought it was already inhabited and can not be the right house ... ok - we might think!
So, everything else, and especially this evening photos coming soon ... Hokage in chaos, o)))) Here are new photos

the bathtub with the LEDs in the joint

The shower mit Glastüren
Waschtisch und die neue Innentür

Die Bürotür

Winteransicht :o)

Terrasse auf der Küchen/Essecken-Seite

Terrasse auf der Essecken/Wohnzimmer-Seite

...hier gabs was auf die Mützen ;o)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Program Letter To Wedding Guests

Und wieder eine Woche mit vielen Ereignissen!

Ich komme gar nicht mehr zum Schreiben :o(. In der letzten Woche hat unser Pflaster-Team indeed started with the outdoor facilities. In a mad-pace the guys have created the entire way, terrace areas and the driveway. Tomorrow is only a few remaining tasks on one terrace and the einschlemmen of the stones on the plan. The whole property is now been provided with topsoil and I was able to put the first plants. O-Ton Güner "that I have never experienced ... like we have not even moved all the stones, because Connie is already there with a spade and dug the first few trees," ... hehe! It wants to have nice, right? Today we have begun with the installation of our kitchen in the utility room - had to cancel but since our tool was missing. It is tomorrow fertig. Jetzt aber mal ein paar Bilder unserer Pflasterarbeiten:

Vorher - die Auffahrt!

Nachher - die Auffahrt ist gepflastert und das erste Beet enstanden!

Vorher - der Eingangsbereich

Der Eingangsbereich mit den Bäumchen! arises

The large terrace

and the side Come on before the living room

filled the land with topsoil

; o)!

The house is also a lot happening again. The plumbing and heating system are all installed, the heater is running and the solar system is already assembled. Our painters have primed the house completely and the office has already received the second coat. Tomorrow it goes now with the final assembly the electrical connections on. In the next two weeks are the window manufacturer to set everything correctly, the internal doors are at 30.11. Nikolausi and blower door test and Handing is ..... Juchhuuuuuuuu!! Now we can not expect more and are thrilled at our beautiful home!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pot Belly Pigs For Sale Ga

Es ist super viel passiert...

... in this one week. Unfortunately I had not the time to complete the blog!
As incorporated in the plan last Wednesday, the stairs - she looks great and we are subsequently glad that the first selected marble white throughout was not available. Friday we went on with the plumbing installation - so the toilets were installed and prepared the heating. The storm of last Thursday, unfortunately, has caused the first injury. When I came to the site on Friday morning, he hung our 3-blinds like a flag in the wind. He had torn out of the rail and flew merrily to himself. The damage has been repaired once coarse and the mechanics have taken him at least back into the rail. However, some slats and the rails are bent. This will soon be repaired. Saturday morning came and our roll-up door for the garage. Now we can put some things already :o)))). Samstag/Sonntag haben Andreas und ich dann unsere Waschtische vormontiert, einige weitere Baumarkt-Gänge absolviert und zum Teil auch schon eingebaut.
Unsere Pflasterer waren auch schon fleissig. So ist die Garagenauffahrt für die Pflasterung ausgehoben und ein Eingangspodest vorbereitet. Die Steine liegen schon alle auf dem Grundstück und morgen geht es dann mit der Pflasterung weiter. Heute war es nun soweit...gegen 16.00 Uhr wurde unsere Heizung gestartet. In den oberen Räumen - die mit den Heizkörpern werden nun langsam warm. Unter mit der Fußbodenheizung konnte ich es noch nicht merken - allerdings dauert es auch eine ganze Zeit, da diese ja nur langsam hochgefahren werden darf. Unser Maler hat heute auch angefangen - er streicht the time the room with undercoat. Office, bedroom and hallway are up already done. Oh dear ... quite a lot - I hope not too confusing: o))) - am frozen through and go straight to the couch! But here are a few pics:

The new roll-up door!
The initial pedestal
The basin is formed with mounting - missing only the two drawers
The stair handrail finished!

My first excavator ride o)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Columbus, Oh Male Brazilian Wax

Entwässerung ist fertiggestellt!

The house is now nothing happens, but Güner has completed the drainage . Tomorrow is supposed to come up the stairs - I am curious. We shall first line with paper so that it is not immediately scratched from all the sand that we are still dragging into the house. Yesterday, yes the kitchen farmer was there ... I have was

The kitchen, drawn as it: you picked out a few pictures of our planned kitchen.
this picture I once copied from hackers. We get
the Classic mat in front of Capri magonlia. But what we get in the drawing
other attacks - very important!
Our highlight - with crushed ice for caipirinhas o)
The refrigerator is on the right side of the wall between the window and
of 2 element to the terrace

... and the hood! She sits between the two
light soils.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blazedtv Numero De Serie

Die Außenarbeiten beginnen und neue Termine!

have now begun the field work. Guner's team digging at the time strongly on the property, to lay the drainage. Many dates I could then just with Mr. Holtermann, our construction manager to discuss the spot: The plumbing and heating trade comes on Thursday and Friday and installed the toilets, the heating is slow and high (important because we have indeed in the entire EC-floor heating). Our stairs are installed on Wednesday and the garage on Saturday. A date now chasing the next kitchen studio Kassens - Mr. Kassens - was just on the ground and has once again measured the kitchen and checked the connections ... everything ok ... the kitchen can get. This is for 16-17. December intended to be installed! On the weekend of 18/19. December starts then our move * happy *. And so seeing the beginnings our Buddelei of:

"Bodo" \u200b\u200b/ Güner with the excavator!
to a good start!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Is Cervical Mucus Like Am

Die Außenfugen sind fertig!

On Wednesday our field joints were completed. Are still wet at the moment, but now - three days later they will have brighter. This weekend we have a lot done! The kitchen is decked over, above, all areas of the concrete and sheet remains free und es ist gefegt. Der Badezimmerwaschtisch ist vormontiert und wartet auf den Anbau. Sogar der Briefkasten ist schon angebaut. Puuuhhh...wir waren ganz schön durchgefroren - kein Wunder bei 4 °C. Morgen nachmittag kommt Fa. Kassens, um unsere richtige Küche auszumessen. Abends treffen wir uns noch mit unserem Maler, der dann ja am Samstag loslegt. Ihr seht, es geht mit großen Schritten voran. Hier noch ein paar Bilder:

Die Außenfuge ;o)

from the side!

The vanity base cabinet (1.20 m wide)

Our mailbox!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5 Weeks Pregnant And Low Hard Cervix

Fliesenarbeiten beendet!

are now laid all the tiles in the house and joined. Looks really great and the rooms feel all at once much larger. The shell was always the feeling that the rooms are so "small" would be - what indeed they are not really. Probably tomorrow our brick then gets the color right joint and the drainage of the garden and the house is addressed. On Monday begins the final assembly for plumbing and heating ... hehe ... finally a loo! Our "old kitchen" is now already working up to the living room. Have already started to scrub - whew ... work, but worth it. Is just a solid wood kitchen and not a cheaper DIY article. As will now turn some nice new porcelain knobs and then it is perfect for the HWR. Tonight, it's small at first cheering WERDER! Hopefully the rain will not: o ((((.

splash in the guest toilet

This vanity comes into the guest bathroom

The freshly jointed bathtub! Was still quite wet,
but I was cautious and I slipped from tile to tile

The back wall above the wash basin in the bathroom
(still wet)
"Make it your project" - the old kitchen!