Sunday, November 21, 2010

Program Letter To Wedding Guests

Und wieder eine Woche mit vielen Ereignissen!

Ich komme gar nicht mehr zum Schreiben :o(. In der letzten Woche hat unser Pflaster-Team indeed started with the outdoor facilities. In a mad-pace the guys have created the entire way, terrace areas and the driveway. Tomorrow is only a few remaining tasks on one terrace and the einschlemmen of the stones on the plan. The whole property is now been provided with topsoil and I was able to put the first plants. O-Ton Güner "that I have never experienced ... like we have not even moved all the stones, because Connie is already there with a spade and dug the first few trees," ... hehe! It wants to have nice, right? Today we have begun with the installation of our kitchen in the utility room - had to cancel but since our tool was missing. It is tomorrow fertig. Jetzt aber mal ein paar Bilder unserer Pflasterarbeiten:

Vorher - die Auffahrt!

Nachher - die Auffahrt ist gepflastert und das erste Beet enstanden!

Vorher - der Eingangsbereich

Der Eingangsbereich mit den Bäumchen! arises

The large terrace

and the side Come on before the living room

filled the land with topsoil

; o)!

The house is also a lot happening again. The plumbing and heating system are all installed, the heater is running and the solar system is already assembled. Our painters have primed the house completely and the office has already received the second coat. Tomorrow it goes now with the final assembly the electrical connections on. In the next two weeks are the window manufacturer to set everything correctly, the internal doors are at 30.11. Nikolausi and blower door test and Handing is ..... Juchhuuuuuuuu!! Now we can not expect more and are thrilled at our beautiful home!


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