Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Obtain New York Mechanical Engineer License

Der Keller ist abgenommen

After a long delay, our basement is now taken off and transferred the last installment to smooth hair. Unfortunately, this last step has attracted a few months, so that we are only in November, after some needless bickering, looked ready.

Nevertheless, I want to thank here again explicitly in our construction manager, Mr. Christ:
During the construction phase and the short horror moment when we water covered the basement to have had Lord Christ more than any normal measure effort hinauß and always with his (justified) "There is no problem we can not solve" Setting the position held above water. And even if we did with our experts are tackled with swabs, he was always courteous and helpful and has built us a thick basement with which we are happy.

Therefore, in spite of the theater the last few days, again with all my heart:

Thank you Lord Christ!

And any other clients I can recommend a building with smooth hair, and only Christ the Lord!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cute Cupcakes For Baby Shower


After we made our choice and the contract has been concluded, was directly started working on the hotel grounds.

We finally have an input stairs

And it was the Committee's work for the curbs and splash guard started:

Requesting Contributions As A Wedding Gift

Bilder vom Umzug

item is already quite a while ago, but still a few pictures of our move. And in the place again and a very big thank you to our hardworking helpers Hagen, Peter and Frank. The five of mastering such a move was not easy ;-)

Arrived in the new house, it looked still look pretty chaotic:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alabama Football Helmet 22

Fenster & Sanitär

Recently we were from another (soon?) Asked Dan-Wood builders, which windows and sanitary facilities have been installed by us.
We decided to set the answer as a post, maybe it's for the odd and interesting.

  • windows and patio doors are from the company Rehau

  • roof windows of the company Roto

  • social facilities of the company Kolo

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Can U Buy Beer In Cherokee Nc

man wird (schreib)faul...

Although we said that we our building blog not so want to die fast, you will after house delivery and the move into the new home pretty quickly pretty lazy about writing ... ..

And in the last 3.5 months, but no matter how things happened:

  • 28 + 29. May was delivered and set up our kitchen. Because of the size for 2 days were estimated, but the mechanics were so quick that everything took only 1.5 days. We were very satisfied with the service, the two mechanics were very friendly, very clean and also have worked meticulously made sure that nothing is broken or is given any quirks. Was fun to it all the time "supervising" over may :-)
  • Dan-Wood, our exchange (due to the slump) damaged patio door. For this was the same crew that has already made our entire interior. And again, everything was fast, easy and precise care. At this point I would stress that even the tracks we have left the river on the wallpaper, completely repaired and painted over were fresh. And without which we have pointed out in some form.
  • after the move we have spent countless hours trying to build new and old furniture, unpack boxes and countless moving like so to sort out some stuff. But finished it is somehow nie….
  • und zu guter Letzt: am 28.06.08 haben wir geheiratet :-)

Was die Außenanlage betrifft, haben wir von zwei Firmen Angebote eingeholt, aber noch keinen definitiven Auftrag erteilt. Eigentlich hatten wir ja einen Favoriten, aber leider ist das Angebot so hoch, dass wir doch noch einen zweiten Anbieter kontaktiert haben. Dieser macht ebenfalls einen sehr guten und engagierten Eindruck und wird’s dann wahrscheinlich auch werden.

Einen Punkt haben wir allerdings schon abgehakt: der Sockel wurde schon verputzt. Muss aber nochmal grundiert und überstrichen werden.

Und als Eigenleistung werden wir uns dann noch den Carport vorknöpfen, den wir in Hausfarbe streichen wollen.

Apropos Haus, vor ein paar Tagen wurde im Neubaugebiet das dritte Dan-Wood Haus (ebenfalls ein Point 180) aufgestellt. Beim abendlichen Gassi gehen betreiben wir deswegen auch immer ein bisschen Baustellentourismus. Allerdings haben wir noch kein bekanntes Gesicht entdecken können…… anderer Bautrupp und anderer Bauleiter als bei uns.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Really Big Poof Dress

buy only one business in three "green"?

Im Einkauf liegt der Gewinn, wie es eine alte Kaufmannsregel auf den Punkt bringt. Unternehmen haben die Beschaffung längst als eine zentrale Stellschraube für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg erkannt. Umso erstaunlicher angesichts der vollmundigen Bekenntnisse zum Klimaschutz, dass die Nachhaltigkeit der eingekauften Güter und Dienstleistungen für die Unternehmen offenbar kaum eine Rolle spielt. Zumindest, wenn man der auf Supply Chain Management (Lieferkettenmanagement) spezialisierten Unternehmensberatung BrainNet aus der Schweiz might think: They have namely been found in a survey that the issue plays ecology for only 30 percent of the surveyed companies in purchasing a part.

BrainNet Now, however, makes no indication of how many companies were put under the microscope, from which sectors they come from or been investigated in which way ever. This is how the message looks more like trying to fill a summer lull. Nevertheless: control of the proceedings so that the view on a topic that will win in the next few years, massively important. Namely, when the "ecological footprint" of a product for purchase argument. The first providers have recognized the marketing potential of already; der Outdoor-Modehersteller Patagonia zum Beispiel gibt für ausgewählte Produkte an, wie viel CO2 bei der Produktion entstand . Da die "Fertigungstiefe" der meisten Branche nicht allzu groß ist, sind sie auf klimafreundlich hergestellte Vorprodukte angewiesen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Enlarged Stomach On Ultrasound

PV-price index taken interview on Green Business Blogging

Der Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft hat jetzt seinen quartalsweise erhobenen Photovoltaik-Preisindex vorgestellt. Danach sanken in den vergangenen zwei Jahren die Preise von Solarstromanlagen in Deutschland um 15 Prozent. Während ein Photovoltaik-System 2006 noch rund 5.000 Euro je Kilowatt kostete, verringerte sich der Peis für fertig installierte Solaranlagen bis ins zweite Quartal 2008 auf durchschnittlich 4.275 Euro je Kilowatt plus VAT. According to the Association of Solar Energy in Germany is already the middle of next decade be as expensive as residential electricity from the socket.

After the recently revised Renewable Energy Sources Act, the promotion of solar power falls in the coming year for the average rooftop installations by eight percent from the current 46.75 cents to 43 cents per kilowatt hour. This is a worthwhile investment continues to have the solar system prices following the reduced rates of payment. Currently, the average pay for a solar system after twelve to 15 years. About the funded period of 20 years, the expected return, depending on location and facility type between four and seven percent.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Us Army Boot Camp Locations

The world's largest tidal power plant in operation

In the North Sea, they are nothing new wind farms at sea electricity supply in large quantities - the dänsichen offshore installations "Nysted," for example, currently world leader coming to power of 165 MW.
is now opened up the Mediterranean for the wind energy: the Italian power company Enel has now its plans to build a huge offshore wind farm s three nautical miles off the coast of Sicily, where known. The total investment will amount to around 500 million €. The total installed capacity of 115 turbines will be 345-575 MW. Overall, the wind farm can supply about 390 000 households with electricity. When construction
für dieses gewaltige Projekt ist, bleibt jedoch offen - ENEL macht hier aus gutem Grund keine weiteren Angaben. Zeigen doch die Verzögerungen bei der Errichtung deutscher Offshore-Windparks, dass deren Bau mit vielen Unwägbarkeiten verbunden ist. Auch wenn das vergleichsweise ruhige Mittelmeer und die Nähe zur Küste dafür sorgen sollte, dass die Ingenieure vor nicht ganz so großen technischenn Herausforderungen stehen sollten wie ihre Kollegen, die in der Nordsee aktiv sind.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Kidney Pain When Sleeping

Evil Biofuels: reduced prices for solar power installations by 15 percent

Eine hundertprozentige Energieversorgung durch erneuerbare Energien - das ist möglich, wie das vielgepriesene Energiedorf Jühnde bei Göttingen zeigt. Auch die Hunsrückgemeinde Mordorf oder Dardesheim im Harz produzieren with an intelligent mix of biomass energy, wind power and photovoltaics as much or even significantly more energy than require the residents.

As part of the information campaign " endless energy" was now the Internet portal " local renewable r" switch, which offers a variety of reports, project descriptions and other assistance for municipal EE projects. Numerous experts from municipalities and communities to show how they were able to do with renewable energy on-site energy independence and more local value added.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Roller Skating Party Favours

Giant offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean

The IT-/E-Business-/Web-2.0-Weblog IT frontal me yesterday on Green Business Blogging interviewed - the conversation turned to other things, the importance of blogs and other Web 2.0 phenomena in the renewable energy sector to the ongoing debate on the relevance of blogs and for the championship chances of VfL Bochum . Here it comes to the interview.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vice City Unhandled C0000005

renewables in municipalities: New Internet Portal

The world's first commercial underwater tidal turbine has supplied the first electricity network, a press release of the operator Marine Current Technologies . The system is deployed in a SeaGen bay off the north coast of Ireland and works like a windmill underwater: When the tide turns the water running up the rotors in one direction, at low tide, the effluent Wasser in die andere. Auf diese Weise soll die Anlage künftig eine Leistung von 1,2 Megawatt erreichen und umweltfreundlichen Strom für rund 1000 Haushalte liefern. Die zurzeit noch gedrosselte Anlage habe nun erstmals für kurze Zeit 150 Kilowatt elektrische Leistung ins Stromnetz eingespeist, teilte Marine Current Technologies jetzt in Bristol mit.

Dieselbe Firma hatte 2003 eine nach demselben Prinzip arbeitende Pilotanlage namens SeaFlow vor der südenglischen Küste installiert. Die nicht kommerzielle Demonstrationsanlage hat eine Leistung von 300 Kilowatt. Die größere SeaGen leiste mehr als viermal so viel wie jedes andere Gezeitenströmungssystem, betonte der Hersteller.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Boombox Antenna Amplifier

In-house? Differentiated view not doing

The waves were high, as Spiegel Online - like many other business media and daily newspapers - early July alleged details of a not so far published World Bank study on the world food shortage published: The production of fuel from plant foods worldwide by up have increases the cost to 75 percent, Hamburger wrote with reference to the British "Guardian" who wanted to learn the details from the World Bank study.

known fact, the World Bank in this study, several reasons for the rise in agricultural prices, such as higher energy and fertilizer costs and a weaker U.S. dollar. In addition, the World Bank (as well the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO) in the high agricultural prices also opportunities for farmers in developing countries. 75 percent of the poor lived in the country, said the World Bank. Most of them are employed in agriculture. The high prices for rice, soybeans and corn were to them an unprecedented chance to escape poverty.

The issue of agricultural prices is too complex for simple solutions: how nice it would be if the world hunger problem could be solved simply by biofuels, we do not ... Closer to reality, though not as sexy as the silver bullet "biofuel out of the tank, since the reference
by Green politician Jürgen Trittin: Local markets must be strengthened, the investment in rural development, and smallholder agriculture and the self-sufficiency are increased in the South to fight hunger sustainably.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Digital Playground At Discount

New study on "green investment": apple and pear compote

The U.S. consultancy Frost & Sullivan predicts the European market for green investment by 2014, an average annual growth of 18 percent to € 572.9 billion then. Under "green investment" means the company financial products such as carbon credits, green hedge funds and socially responsible investment funds. A very broad term, investment would like to throw in CO2 pollution rights in a pot with the nest egg that Mr or Mrs Smith create ecologically meaningful. Wonders how meaningful there's such a study, along comes the apples and pears happy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Salon Client Information Sheet Template

Solar Thermal: The promotion extended - and expanded

Against the backdrop of skyrocketing oil and gas prices, the Federal Environment Ministry now decided to extend the promotion of solar heating systems - and even further. When replacing old oil or gas heating with modern solar heating wave to the high consumer subsidies: In addition to the usual solar subsidy of 105 euros per square meter of solar collector, depending on the type of solar system state Grants of 375 to 750 Euros granted. Due to high demand, this "boiler replacement bonus" now extended to 31.12.2009. Originally, the reward should expire by the end of the month.

Detailed information on the new subsidy rates and conditions - as well as many other questions about solar heating - it is on a separate website Federal Solar Industry Association.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hip Replacement Tieing Shoe

opening of the Intersolar reported Federal Solar Industry Association impressive industry figures

Carsten Koernig, managing director of the Federal Solar Industry Association, bursting with confidence, as he at the press conference at Intersolar this morning was a review and outlook on the industry events. No wonder running, the Transactions for the German solar companies gorgeous: Grainy expects the current year with sales growth of up to 40 percent. By 2010, industry sales grow from seven to 13 billion euros and the number of jobs from 58,000 to 80,000, the export proceeds are to climb from three to six billion euros. This year, the industry is investing two billion euros in Germany, by 2010 there will be seven billion euros.

this optimism is nourished by the recently passed amendment to the Renewable Energy Act, which sets according grained scale "very ambitious, but feasible" are. Granular pointed out that the amendment - as previously, the EEG itself - be it into a global measure of support for solar power is.

writes The Intersolar itself an impressive track record: In this year of hosting the fair for the first time in Munich, noted the organizer of exhibitors grew by almost 65 percent, almost half come from abroad (of which only a quarter of China). The visitor number is expected to increase by a quarter. Almost some exhibitors seem overwhelmed by the success of the show - while in many trade shows are the press kits to the end times as lead in the subjects of the press center, so were now on the first day afternoon by 15 clock already emptied many press boxes completely ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Suggest Names For College Fests

Online im neuen Heim

Die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen mal in der Kurzfassung:

- Hausübergabe am 22.05.08
- Beginn Umzug am 24.05.08
- Lieferung und Montage der Küche 28./29.05.08
- Übergabe der alten Wohnung zum 01.06.08
- in Betriebnahme des Telefonanschlusses im neuen Haus am 09.06.08

And here we are again :-)
Since everything has worked out so smoothly, I can only say that I am very glad not to have my connection from Arcor exchanged for Unity Media. As announced at 9:06:08, a technician came by the telephone company to take the port in operation and to connect by modem, router and phone and internet stuff works fine!

of all events that have otherwise played ever so between blower door test and removal, will be reported in the next few days, then again in more detail.
Now we are first happy that everything went reasonably well and we live in our own house.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

English Subtitles Streaming

Emissions trading: New study on the status quo in German Unternehmen

Mit Einführung des Emissionshandels im Jahr 2005 ist der CO2-Ausstoß in einigen Branchen zu einer echten Stellschraube für den Unternehmenserfolg geworden: Die EU-Regelung legt fest, dass für jede Tonne CO2, die über ein zugeteiltes Kontingent hinaus ausgestoßen wird, Emissionsrechte erworben werden müssen. Umgekehrt können Unternehmen Kontingente, die nicht in Anspruch genommen wurden, auf dem Markt verkaufen. Die Kosten pro Tonne CO2 bewegen sich momentan um 25 Euro.

Nun sollte man meinen, dass angesichts dessen der Emissionshandel bei Investitionsentscheidungen und im Risikomanagement eine feste Größe geworden ist, die zu berücksichtigen betriebswirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit is. But far from it, like a new study by PriceWaterhouse Coopers shows. The consulting firm has asked some 50 German companies of the importance of emissions trading in strategic decisions. Although the survey results show that a majority of companies surveyed the challenges and opportunities in the CO2-emissions trading is detected. But the implementation is the weak point: Nearly one in three companies will only check once a quarter or even less, how to develop one's own need for CO2 emission rights will be. This means that the company did not adequately respond to price fluctuations for pollution rights. About 30 percent of companies consider the allowances for investment decisions not. But PwC is optimistic that, although many companies have used reductions, expected to continue great potential for internal CO2 reductions are.

A view of the study is worthwhile not only because of these statements sound from industry: The authors provide an excellent overview of history, environment, potential and shortcomings of the emissions trading system.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Periodontal Procedures Performed In Uk

Süddeutsche heute mit Sonderseiten zur Energieversorgung

worth today once again looking to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. On four special pages in the business section (unfortunately not available online) journalists discuss the issue of energy supply, renewable energies are at the center. Jochen Bettzieche provides an overview über die geplanten Änderungen in der EEG-Novelle und zeigt Licht und Schatten der geänderten Fördersätze und -richtlinien. Thomas Gaul stellt Potenziale und Grenzen der Treibstoffproduktion durch BtL-Verfahren vor und umgeht dabei auch das Thema Flächenkonkurrenz nicht. Lesenswert auch ein Porträt der Stadt Vancouver, die für sich selber das Attribut "sauberste, grünste, gesündeste Stadt der Welt" in Anspruch nimmt. Zwar stammen 90 Prozent des verbrauchten Stroms aus Wasserkraft - allerdings sind dies Altanlagen aus den 60ger und 70ger Jahren. Vorbildhaft ist auf jeden Fall die Siedlungspolitik: Vancouver ist, ganz unamerikanisch, eine Stadt der kurzen Wege, entsprechend gering ist das Verkehrsaufkommen.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Welcome Address For Valentine Day Sample

Blower-Door-Test mit Bravour bestanden

Yesterday was in our house the blower door test is performed and checked the house so leaks. Despite
open staircase to the basement we have achieved a smooth value of 1.0! The requirement was for a maximum of 1.5. With the result we are more than satisfied and also the subsequent Lekagetest has nothing negative result.

As we now know in retrospect, was stalled after a week Pentecost not only on our site, but still two more in the development area!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cuff Notes Robb White Deathwatch

Die Übergabe wirft die ersten Schatten voraus

As we meet the one planned on Thursday, handing a positive view, of course, even the removal preparations in full swing and we can uns in der Wohnung kaum noch bewegen:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Unused Insulin Syringes

Der Carport wächst

Seid gestern wächst auch unser Carport (wie immer bei DanWood rasend schnell)

Cuspid Amp 1600 Watt Price

Jetzt hat es uns doch erwischt….

Wir hatten ja immer die Hoffnung, dass wir von den Diebstählen im Baugebiet verschont bleiben würden (was bis jetzt ja auch der Fall war), aber dann wurde in der vergangenen Woche doch eingebrochen. Geklaut wurde das komplette Werkzeug, dass sich noch auf der Baustelle befand. Auf der einen Seite sehr ärgerlich für unseren Bautrupp, auf der anderen Seite bin ich ganz froh, dass nichts kaputt gemacht worden ist.

Der Blower-Door-Test musste auf Donnerstag verschoben werden. Following is scheduled for the house delivery and we are very excited. Larger defects, we expect it not and we hope that our feelings are not deceptive.
Our experts come on Wednesday to make a pre-approval with Florian. Then we are ready for the actual decrease before.

Today has started to build the carport and inside there are really only a few small things that are missing.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Knee Length Boho Skirts

Bilder ohne Gerüst und vom Innenausbau

Today, there are finally current images.

view without frame:

Our kitchen

the bathroom:

view into and out of the bedroom:

the children:

When we visited again today were on the site, I was really surprised very pleasant, homely as it looks by now. Above is already completely papered & painted and it is just the laminate laid. Below them are still trying to paper, but it's missing is the living room, it can also be laid down the laminate.

A very big thank you to our hardworking Construction team, to which we can get anything!

Language Lab Free Software

Ärgernisse Fallrohre und Carport Fundamente

After the tank including the connections were set and backfilled was, is, when installing the downpipes have noticed that they do not fit into the designated ports. Sometimes they are several inches apart. The connections for the tank to sit close to the Kellerwand.Wie exactly could happen, nobody knows. The error must be corrected in any case in this regard and we are still with the company in connection Schantz.

Another annoyance was the foundation of the carport. It all started with the question by our construction manager in the last week, when because the foundations of the carport would be completed. We had not previously aware that this is a power builder.
I remember though, that we spoke in December at the sampling of the foundations (mainly about whether this cost is included in the financial statements or not), but it has not said a word about the fact that this is a clients performance. And also on the to-do list by Dan-Wood, all of which is preparing the plan is nowhere.
I also found out yet that the carport would be too far from home wegstehen and thus some of them already on the neighboring property would be. Here is one to make Dan-Wood to good that it even No problem was that production plans accordingly, and the foundations a little closer to share the house. We do not mind further, because we have always assumed that the car port connects directly to the wall. The paperwork was then done in the morning and fixed the problem.

After several phone calls (with largely disinterested firms "the job is too small"), has then found someone to take over the job and it was posted on Thursday started to work. So had no lag, good luck!