Thursday, March 20, 2008

Racketball Courts 63146

Klimaneutrales Marketing – wie geht denn das?

Climate Neutral T-shirts, photovoltaic modules, or reds, it already longer - Investing producers in projects (such as in solar, wind or biomass plants) that save as much greenhouse gas as caused in the manufacture of their own goods be. Funded projects are mainly in developing countries.
has now introduced the first climate neutral marketing campaign: The organic food wholesaler "The Regional" plans to cut CO2 emissions in the production of fortnightly flyer distributed some 100,000 incurred to compensate. The biggest savings is in paper production. Therefore, the Regional will now focus on a particularly climate-friendly paper. In addition, the printer checks the change to a green electricity provider. For the remaining quantities are interested in purchasing "The Regional" CO2 certificates. The strategic support "the regional" claims to order the construction of a wind turbine in India. The project will, over a period of ten years is expected to generate emission reductions of 145,000 tonnes of CO2.
Even though "The Regional" here very clever marketing with marketing operate: the campaign shows that the concept of climate-neutral "production" has great potential.

Calorieschicken Chow Mein

Kein Gerüst

was supposed to on Tuesday yes, the framework for the roof and exterior work will be set up. As one can see from the photos, this is not the case.
The basement approval before about 2 weeks, we still say that the scaffolding was all discussed and the framework could be put up in the ditch. (The trench is unfortunately not yet filled, as the weather had prevented the final cellar work) As on Tuesday came the rigging, it was found that the framework can not be made up down in the ditch! On the one hand, the trench was too narrow in some places, on the other had the scaffolding does not bring enough material to make up down in the ditch to.
Long story short: we do not stand outside and at first you do not continue as planned.

Florian then be placed with smooth hair contact and behold, our site manager there was able to face short term, a construction crew available, which will complete the basement work. This is now in the short time course associated with some effort, but as we have previously seen Mr. Christ, it will work.
also a call to our diggers was positive: the company can Schantz us (presumably) set in early April also has a construction team are available to all to fill again.
Of course there are all not 100% guarantee but we are still thrilled by so much flexibility and responsiveness.
So at this point already a very big thank you to Mr. Christian (Glatt hair) and Mr. Miller (from Schantz)!

Broccoli Portion Size

Noch mehr Bilder

mainly on the upper floor:

Many thanks to our neighbor, Gaby, the ever so diligently photographed!

How Do I Get A Community Service Letter

Biogasanlagen: Wohin mit der Wärme?

The experts agreed at the annual conference of the Professional Association a few weeks ago Biogas: Biogas systems can only be in combined heat and power to operate economically and ecologically sensible. Say: The operator must also take advantage of electricity production generated heat in order to operate profitably. The federal government wants to promote these energy-efficient cogeneration plants in the future with an additional three (instead of two) cents per kWh. This provides at least the draft of the new Renewable Energy Law, which passed later this year is.

biogas plants are now so generally in rural areas where there is often heat customers. Operators of small systems can indeed use the heat for heating the surrounding farms and houses. The problem is: heat is only needed in winter, however, produce biogas plants all year on energy. Therefore, some operators will no gas-fired, where the heat throughout the year can be used, such as in close proximity to industrial facilities or swimming pools. This gas is fed via a pipeline from the biogas plant in the cogeneration power plant. The company operates BS Energy Braunschweig for example, biogas plant ; das dort produzierte Gas wird in einem 20 Kilometer entfernten BHKW in Strom und Wärme umgewandelt. Die Wärme wird direkt vor Ort von zwei Forschungsinstituten abgenommen.

Ein anderer, innovativer Weg zur höheren Energieeffizienz ist das so genannte ORC-Verfahren: Dabei wird die Abwärme genutzt, um synthetische Flüssigkeiten oder auch einfach nur Wasser zu verdampfen und so eine Turbine anzutreiben, die wiederum Strom erzeugt. Auch dies eine Form von Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung – was der Gesetzgeber allerdings wohl nicht so sieht, denn laut EEG-Novelle sollen die ORC-Verfahren nicht in den Genuss des KWK-Bonus kommen.

Diese beiden Beispiele zeigen: Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, die Wärme zu Use even if found in the immediate vicinity no buyers. Although such concepts are connected with additional investment needs. But given the steadily rising price of biomass, the sole electricity may soon no longer be economical.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arrow Porcelain Marks

Zweiter Tag

is now rebuilt with a remarkable pace the floor.

And just as we drove away, came the scaffolders. Let's see how it looks after.
This evening will take place in any case the topping and we hope that we do not have the weather makes a spanner in the works. It is freezing cold either way :-)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Best Ds Rom Card Reader

Der große Tag...

Today it was finally over, the ground floor has been constructed.
It was an eventful and especially long day for us (we were at the site since 07:00 clock) and so we can talk for now, even the pictures :-)
fact is, however, that our construction team fast, accurate and experienced work delivers. So fast we could not even watching as the walls have been! Most viewers today probably come for nothing :-)

yet is only the crane:

here it is the first wall will be suspended:

And then it goes in quick succession, one wall after the Other:

This is where our kitchen from

From the balcony of the neighbors, one can already see the first inner walls:

This is the second truck already almost empty, the rest is coming tomorrow:


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rules For Board-game Frustration Game

Morgen ist es soweit....

The big day is almost here, the house will be placed tomorrow. The tension is correspondingly large.
Will everything be fine? Have we thought of everything? Somehow, a thousand things going through my head ....
We want tomorrow rather early to be at the construction site and then we'll see how it goes. Two trucks with the first parts are already ready.
Let's see if we get to tonight, keep an eye ...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Invitation Wording Gift Card Shower

Gut gemeinte Ratschläge

We again (times) in anonymous one comment had been the (perhaps) well-intentioned, but really only re-sowing discord unwanted:

I thought you've bought the Aqua Save of smooth hair. This looks like 2008 / 15 by anyone from the basement. The Aqua originla Save is monolithically of a piece. So watch out what you have time, read the agreement. Listening now looking more and more often get the order to the contract clients Aqua Save (as shown in the advertisement with the loose basement) and something else. You do have an expert can check.

It may well be that here is only acted out of good intentions out, yet bursting with the statement (as so often if you are good as a builder, like unsolicited well, meaning advice given) in front of half-knowledge, "I thought," Man hear more often ", etc, and ensures that the (mostly anyway) frayed nerves of the owners be attacked unnecessarily further.

As our (once again) an anonymous "friend" has been written correctly: We have an expert who is on our building project to date have been no reason our Kellerbauer not trust (we even have only good feedback from Danwood regarding our cellar and get with our, always keen to project Mr Christian has been very poor).

We have already ceased to hold the comments to hear from people on the basis of hearsay, Pictures, and feel-appointed surveyor. The right story to tell us one of our future neighbors: Our

future neighbor has geothermal heat and got prompt that tells when the XYS three streets have geothermal heat and because the house "ned to be warm." In retrospect, it has been found that that is true. The play, however, the client also kräfig to the settings around and had the service team of heating manufacturer, the "problem" could easily fix it is in the gossip of course, entirely gone.
Long story short, botched construction is of course a problem, but no reason to own the manufacturer immediately reason to burn the village bonfire when added once the Michel is one of the Hubert Street that of Sepp from the Wall Street plays a picture of a Keller has seen under water.
I will not now prohibit any comment and any well-intentioned advice immediately turning off the tap, but also the well-meaning "advice ends" should consider whether in fact they do what is appropriate or not.

The other group who all too happy to advise distributed and then also against "threats" does not shrink as our Lord Fritz Gültner of, well, self-titled Surveyors, who will contact the building inspection and Act 07 (unfortunately, is somewhat too late for 07 ) wanted to Baupfusch topic, you should so take note of as they deserve: not at all, or with the necessary hardness: as they well zu "professionell" waren um eine Kontaktadresse zu hinterlassen würden wir sie bitten sich bei uns dochmal zu melden: Wir würde uns, genau wie Glatthaar, doch gerne nochmal persönlich mit ihnen unterhalten! (Edit: Natürlich immer vorausgesetzt es gibt diesen Herren überhaupt, was wahrscheinlich sowieso nicht der Fall ist)

Also all die anderen Bauherren die das hier lesen:
Lassen sie sich nicht von den Horden der Bausachverständigen die plötzlich um einen herum aus dem Boden schießen verrückt machen. Man ist zwar selber immer etwas unsicher und da es um viel Geld geht, auch gerne mal übervorsichtig, trotzdem sind die Kommentare aus dem Hintergrund meist die schlechteste Grundlage für Entscheidungen. You should also not forget the bad news spread faster than good in principle. A dissatisfied client usually makes in one of the Bauforen wind while satisfied clients make are more often the effort.

Disable Horn On97 Accord

Ticker eingebaut

There are eight more days, until the house is built, we have built up a ticker. Unfortunately, this prevents that we align it centrally, so had to give the image on the right.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Funny Messages For Newborn Baby

Windenergie: Mehr Megawatt als Kohle, Atom or gas

And again a new record in the renewable energy industry in Europe has the wind to build up capacity for electricity generation now taken the top position. In 2007 8.554 megawatts of new generating capacity were installed. Gas power plants, so far the fastest growing segment of laid, only to 8226 MW. The other way to play the extension of electricity generation capacity of only a marginal role - if any: The capacity for coal and nuclear power in 2007 shrank by as much as 750 or 1,200 MW.

Worldwide, built in 2007 Wind power plants with a capacity of 20,000 MW of new. In order for the wind power grew by 30% and reached the end of 2007 an output of 94,000 MW. The largest extension granted in the U.S. with 5,200 MW or 45% increase, followed by Spain with 3,500 and China with 3,400 MW.

These figures gave the Austrian Wind Energy Association, citing figures from the European Wind Energy Association known.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cant Visit Pokecenter Rom Mac

Green IT: Researchers speak of hype

"Green IT" is the top issue of CeBIT, which opened yesterday evening in Hanover. Climate-friendly information technology - That is, according to many exhibitors, industry gurus and analysts in particular: low power processors, energy-efficient PCs and servers. In other words, the customer is to buy new hardware in order to reduce their energy consumption. No wonder that the ICT industry rises the issue of "Green IT" at the heart ...

The market research firm Gartner has found clear words for the current discussion: It speaks of "hype" and points out that as many as one third of energy needs a PC or server in the production of the device is produced. Also, the CO2 emissions that are incurred in the disposal is not included in the rule, Gartner.

so it is more advantageous to use the devices more intelligent. Especially for servers, who are hardly ever busy throughout, there is still air: Thus, with modern analytical technology (so-called "business intelligence solutions") to calculate how the existing and future needs of a company with the cover existing server capacity allows. For the benefit of the climate, because the energy needs of a server does not increase proportionally with the load. And the controller is pleased because he can save the investment in new equipment.