Thursday, March 20, 2008

How Do I Get A Community Service Letter

Biogasanlagen: Wohin mit der Wärme?

The experts agreed at the annual conference of the Professional Association a few weeks ago Biogas: Biogas systems can only be in combined heat and power to operate economically and ecologically sensible. Say: The operator must also take advantage of electricity production generated heat in order to operate profitably. The federal government wants to promote these energy-efficient cogeneration plants in the future with an additional three (instead of two) cents per kWh. This provides at least the draft of the new Renewable Energy Law, which passed later this year is.

biogas plants are now so generally in rural areas where there is often heat customers. Operators of small systems can indeed use the heat for heating the surrounding farms and houses. The problem is: heat is only needed in winter, however, produce biogas plants all year on energy. Therefore, some operators will no gas-fired, where the heat throughout the year can be used, such as in close proximity to industrial facilities or swimming pools. This gas is fed via a pipeline from the biogas plant in the cogeneration power plant. The company operates BS Energy Braunschweig for example, biogas plant ; das dort produzierte Gas wird in einem 20 Kilometer entfernten BHKW in Strom und Wärme umgewandelt. Die Wärme wird direkt vor Ort von zwei Forschungsinstituten abgenommen.

Ein anderer, innovativer Weg zur höheren Energieeffizienz ist das so genannte ORC-Verfahren: Dabei wird die Abwärme genutzt, um synthetische Flüssigkeiten oder auch einfach nur Wasser zu verdampfen und so eine Turbine anzutreiben, die wiederum Strom erzeugt. Auch dies eine Form von Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung – was der Gesetzgeber allerdings wohl nicht so sieht, denn laut EEG-Novelle sollen die ORC-Verfahren nicht in den Genuss des KWK-Bonus kommen.

Diese beiden Beispiele zeigen: Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, die Wärme zu Use even if found in the immediate vicinity no buyers. Although such concepts are connected with additional investment needs. But given the steadily rising price of biomass, the sole electricity may soon no longer be economical.


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