Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Long Will Artificial Knee Last

Geschichte des Ökolandbaus: Salz-Honig-Brotführung oder Blut-und-Boden-Ideologie?

an interesting, albeit annoying incomplete overview of the approximately 125-year history of growing and processing of organic food are now oekolandbau.de the information portal, which is maintained by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food: Stand with the pioneers of the market - still well established companies such as Hipp, Kelloggs or DE-VAU-GE - the end of the 19th Century, nor the idea of \u200b\u200bhealth in the foreground, such as way as the followers of the Reform Movement "in the twenties the first time, environmental trends. In 1930 the brand "demeter" protected, 1939 were cultivated in Saxony alone has 3,500 hectares of bio-dynamic. At that time there were about 2.o00 Shops in Germany.

oekolandbau.de Unfortunately, the unanswered question of why organic farming was in the era of National Socialism so popular. In the 30s was the "Salt and Honey Bread leadership be developed, as has the information portal all right - but clearly relevant is whether there similarities between the blood and soil" ideology of the Nazis and the former expression of the ecological or were biodynamic farming. Here the authors have missed an opportunity for the discussion of the history of organic farming.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pokemon Leaf Green Model Edit

Streit um Arbeitsplätze in der Solarbranche: BMU-Studie stützt Verbandszahlen

In the online edition of Business Week rages a violent dispute over the revision of the Act. The focus is dabei die Subventionierung der Solarindustrie. Konkret geht es um die Frage, ob die Effizienzgewinne bei den Solartechnologien zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der Einspeisevergütung führen sollte.

In diesem Zusammenhang zitiert die Wiwo nicht näher genannte Branchenkenner, die die vom Bundesverband für Solarwirtschaft (BSW) angeführten Arbeitsplatzzahlen der Branche bezweifeln. Aufgehängt ist dieser Vorwurf an der Zahl der Handwerker, die mit der Montage von Solaranlagen beschäftigt sind.

Diesen Branchenkennern kennen offenbar die umfangreichste Studie zum Arbeitsmarkt Erneuerbare Energien nicht, die das Bundesumweltministerium im letzten Herbst veröffentlicht hat (durchgeführt wurde The study by the prestigious Science Shop Bonn). This study confirms the BSW figures largely. Even more: Around 71 percent of the surveyed companies in the solar industry will hire more workers. Particularly in research and development, service and maintenance threatens already a shortage of skilled workers.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mount And Blade Party Hack

Innen & Außen

bei dem schönen Wetter heute, haben wir mal die Gunst der Stunde genutzt, um ein paar neue Bilder zu schießen:

Am Freitag waren wir auch endlich mal im Haus (leider ohne Kamera), um uns ein Bild vom Innenausbau zu machen. Der Fliesenleger had just finished and the result was impressive. The ceilings are covered for the most part and even if there is a lot of work to do, everything looks already so "ready" from

:-) On Saturday we finally go, let them to plan the kitchen ready. Next week, someone comes to the spot again and you measure everything out and then we can order them. After I had seen on Friday, the tiled kitchen, I am convinced that it will fit in color. have

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

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Solarenergie: Bald genug Silizium für Alle?

Munich is developing into the German center of the solar energy major events: The leading trade fair Intersolar is held in June for the first time held on the Isar, and the Photovoltaic Technology Show 2008 Europe has become now an important meeting place: the beginning of April came together 4300 participants from 176 companies and 21 countries in the Munich exhibition, more than the latest trends in the production of and investment in Solartechnochnologie to discuss.

A hot topic was the silicon supply, as the magazine summarizes Photon: The raw material for about 90 percent of all solar modules are indeed produced in ever larger quantities, but the demand is growing even faster. For example, reported Michael Rogol, an analyst at Photon Consulting, on spot market prices of up to 515 dollars per kilogram. The average price at the production has increased since 2004 from 32 to 70 dollars per kilogram. The production costs are, however, at an average of 36 dollars per kilogram. In view of this is easy to see that the number of new entrants in this Bereich explodiert: Gab es 2004 weltweit nur sieben Hersteller von hochreinem Silizium, so dürften es dieses Jahr bereits 72 sein. Weitere 101 Unternehmen planen den Einstieg für 2009 oder später. Von den insgesamt 173 Unternehmen, die somit in diesem Bereich aktiv sind, haben 13 auf der Konferenz ihre Pläne vorgestellt: beachtliche 201.000 Tonnen Produktionskapazität könnten demnach allein bei diesen 13 Unternehmen in den nächsten Jahren in Betrieb gehen. Das entspricht dem Vierfachen der Weltproduktion 2007.

Einig waren sich die Teilnehmer darin, dass die Nachfrage nach PV-Anlagen bis auf Weiteres das Angebot übertreffen wird. Denn die Kosten für Solarstrom befinden sich zumindest in sehr sonnenreichen Ländern now on the threshold of "grid parity." - the competitiveness of electricity from conventional generation, such as Jon Andre Lokke of the Norwegian REC Group said 2007 saw large plants of REC produce in sunny countries, solar power at a cost of 15 euro cents, said Lokke . 2010 will REC are at 7 cents, 2012 want at 5 cents per kilowatt hour. The world's largest by market capitalization solar group is therefore in the order, the conventional power plant operators could scare a shock. Other leading international photovoltaic companies such as First Solar, Suntech Power and Evergreen the production cost of their modules in the next few years by 40 to 50 percent, she said in Munich.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Best Sneakers For Elliptical

so sieht es momentan aus

Since many asked for current pictures, we are of course also some.

The entrance and car port at the same site:

Der noch nicht vorhandene Garten:

Andere Hausseite:

Und eine Gesamtansicht:

Der aktuelle Zwischenstand sieht folgendermassen aus:

  • Estrich im Ober- und Untergeschoss
  • das Gerüst steht
  • der Dachstuhl wurde zwischenzeitlich von unserem Sachverständigen abgenommen
  • ein Teil des Daches ist schon gedeckt
  • die Stadtwerke arbeiten an den Hausanschlüssen weiter
Nach den drei stressigen Wochen beruhigen sich die Gemüter wieder und die Lage hat sich entspannt. Es geht gut voran und wir sind wieder optimistisch :-)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

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Weltrangliste: Wo in Klimazertifikate investieren?

are carbon emissions trading - at least conceptually - a fine thing: companies from the developed countries, in third world countries "carbon credits" to buy, by implementing new projects in, usually in the renewable energy or energy efficiency. These projects have led to a real reduction in CO2, that is, new plants need to replace less efficient climate. A desirable side effect of this so-called Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the technology transfer to developing countries.

offer now, not all developing countries, political and economic conditions, the success of a CDM project guarantee. For several years, puts the "Kyoto Coaching Cologne", in a joint project of the German Development and Investment Company and the TÜV Rheinland Group, a continuously updated CDM investment climate index that climbs 149 host countries for CDM projects. This index is intended for investors and project developers, and takes into account parameters such as transparency of state institutions, corruption, the general investment conditions, the presence of control institutions or experience with CDM projects.

top ranking in the latest rankings take a Chile and South Korea, followed by Mexico, China, India and Brazil. The "BRIC" countries also the majority of CDM projects already implemented unite - about 70% of the supply of certified emission reductions (CERs) are from CDM projects that have been implemented in China, Brazil and India.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Disable Horn On Honda Accord

Endlich, endlich....

Für heute war laut neuem Terminplan die Fertigstellung der Kellerdämmung und Beginn der Verfüllarbeiten vorgesehen. Als wir heute morgen dann den Schnee gesehen haben, waren wir schon auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet. Den ganzen Tag haben wir wie auf glühenden Kohlen gesessen, aber die Hiobsbotschaft ist ausgeblieben.
Wir sind dann nach Feierabend direkt zur Baustelle gefahren und es sind uns Tonnen von Steinen vom Herzen gefallen:
  • die Dämmung war komplett angebracht
  • es war schon zu ca. 3/4 verfüllt
  • im Haus wurde Estrich gegossen
Morgen wird the tank is set and the company still leads Schantz from the remaining earthworks.
for Wednesday morning, the scaffold order and then finally to cover the roof and worked on the facade.
We are making great of relief, because the last few weeks have been really nerve-racking :-)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

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KPMG: Unternehmen unterschätzen die Folgen des Klimawandels

companies are exposed to multiple risks of climate change, but are still not properly prepared for such effects. Especially in the aviation, health, tourism, transport, oil & gas and financial services companies should give potential impacts of climate change on their business more attention. This is the result of the audit and consulting firm KPMG concluded in its report Climate Changes Your Business ", which was now published. Analyzes 50 specialist studies that deal with economic impacts of climate change on different industry sectors.

This detailed, thorough and flatly readable report have shown that the oil and gas industry still best to possible consequences is set;. it bears but also by far the biggest risk of all 18 made under the magnifying glass industries, the transport industry, however, is prepared at the worst None of the sectors studied is really adequate to the variety of risks prepared that result from climate change. then the KPMG. These include hurricanes and floods as well as more stringent environmental regulations and specific energy taxes, but also reputational and liability risks. Particularly alarming neglect Even those companies with otherwise well-functioning risk management systems, mostly in their reporting of climate risks.

KPMG advises companies to invest in the expansion of its risk management systems, to better understand these hazards and control - which is not very surprising, give advice on risk management but the core business of KPMG.

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Aktueller Stand der Dinge

Good news:
The basement is completely sealed and was taken on Monday by our experts. Except for one thing, the criticism was that he had nothing to propose. This is for us to ever know good and important. Once the defect repaired and the insulation is installed, will be a new acceptance.

The House connections are prepared (the final work can only be made if it is filled) and the heating system is completely installed.
also been completed and the electrical work in the house.
We can in the next few days so that the screed is cast and then start the tile with their work.

Bad news: The lack
the basement must be first resolved yet, which means that the insulation has not yet been installed. The pit is thus still not filled, not the framework provided. For work outside the house so there is no new date.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Where Can I Buy Katy Dids

Erneuerbare Energien: China kommt

Interesting numbers to the Chinese Renewable Energy Market reports the Renewable Energy Export Initiative der Deutschen Energie-Agentur (dena): In 2006 verdoppelte sich die installierte Windkraftkapazität auf 2,6 GW, Ende 2007 waren bereits 5 GW installiert. Der Zubau im Bereich der Solarthermie steigerte sich von 64 auf 80 Mio. m²; was einem Zuwachs von ca. 25% entspricht. Die installierte Kapazität im Photovoltaik-Bereich nahm jedoch nur um um 10% zu und betrug Ende des vergangenen Jahres rund 80 MW.

Seit dem 1. Januar 2006 ist ein Gesetz zur Förderung Erneuerbarer Energien in Kraft - das zwar nicht mit dem deutschen EEG vergleichbar ist, aber zumindest eine Grundlage für den Ausbau regenerativer Energien schafft. Ziel des Gesetzes ist es, bis 2010 den Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Primärenergieverbrauch auf 10% und bis 2020 expand to 15%. The pellet production will be 2020 at 50 million tonnes and the biogas production at 44 million cubic meters. The main applications for PV is still seen mainly in the field of rural electrification. By 2010, the installed capacity is 300 MW.

These numbers promise decent market opportunities for the Deusche EE industry, which has expanded its international business in recent years so massive. The Chinese cake should be large enough to also give the German manufacturers a good deal - even if the Chinese players have now set in the photovoltaic sector to the top of the world market, such as Spiegel online with reference to a study by made the trade magazine Photon now known has . The German renewable energy industry is recognized by the high quality of their products can benefit. There