Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Replace Airbag Cost Subaru

Solarenergie: Bald genug Silizium für Alle?

Munich is developing into the German center of the solar energy major events: The leading trade fair Intersolar is held in June for the first time held on the Isar, and the Photovoltaic Technology Show 2008 Europe has become now an important meeting place: the beginning of April came together 4300 participants from 176 companies and 21 countries in the Munich exhibition, more than the latest trends in the production of and investment in Solartechnochnologie to discuss.

A hot topic was the silicon supply, as the magazine summarizes Photon: The raw material for about 90 percent of all solar modules are indeed produced in ever larger quantities, but the demand is growing even faster. For example, reported Michael Rogol, an analyst at Photon Consulting, on spot market prices of up to 515 dollars per kilogram. The average price at the production has increased since 2004 from 32 to 70 dollars per kilogram. The production costs are, however, at an average of 36 dollars per kilogram. In view of this is easy to see that the number of new entrants in this Bereich explodiert: Gab es 2004 weltweit nur sieben Hersteller von hochreinem Silizium, so dürften es dieses Jahr bereits 72 sein. Weitere 101 Unternehmen planen den Einstieg für 2009 oder später. Von den insgesamt 173 Unternehmen, die somit in diesem Bereich aktiv sind, haben 13 auf der Konferenz ihre Pläne vorgestellt: beachtliche 201.000 Tonnen Produktionskapazität könnten demnach allein bei diesen 13 Unternehmen in den nächsten Jahren in Betrieb gehen. Das entspricht dem Vierfachen der Weltproduktion 2007.

Einig waren sich die Teilnehmer darin, dass die Nachfrage nach PV-Anlagen bis auf Weiteres das Angebot übertreffen wird. Denn die Kosten für Solarstrom befinden sich zumindest in sehr sonnenreichen Ländern now on the threshold of "grid parity." - the competitiveness of electricity from conventional generation, such as Jon Andre Lokke of the Norwegian REC Group said 2007 saw large plants of REC produce in sunny countries, solar power at a cost of 15 euro cents, said Lokke . 2010 will REC are at 7 cents, 2012 want at 5 cents per kilowatt hour. The world's largest by market capitalization solar group is therefore in the order, the conventional power plant operators could scare a shock. Other leading international photovoltaic companies such as First Solar, Suntech Power and Evergreen the production cost of their modules in the next few years by 40 to 50 percent, she said in Munich.


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