Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mount And Blade Party Hack

Innen & Außen

bei dem schönen Wetter heute, haben wir mal die Gunst der Stunde genutzt, um ein paar neue Bilder zu schießen:

Am Freitag waren wir auch endlich mal im Haus (leider ohne Kamera), um uns ein Bild vom Innenausbau zu machen. Der Fliesenleger had just finished and the result was impressive. The ceilings are covered for the most part and even if there is a lot of work to do, everything looks already so "ready" from

:-) On Saturday we finally go, let them to plan the kitchen ready. Next week, someone comes to the spot again and you measure everything out and then we can order them. After I had seen on Friday, the tiled kitchen, I am convinced that it will fit in color. have


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